
Defining Moments

Posted in My Musings at 3:53 pm by Arlene LeVine

ikoniWhat are the moments that define our lives those moments that mark the distances between time; our wedding day, the birth of a child, the death of a loved one,  the loses and the cherished happy times; all of these and so many more make us who we are.  Is it destiny or chance or is it, as some believe,  all written in some imagined book before our own birth.

Or is it that we are so pompous as to imagine we shape and mold ourselves by our own design into who we think we are and that nothing we experience effects that; or is it truly those defining moments that continually change and shape us into either very fine human beings or something very different.

As to the other times in our lives those changes that occur in the world around us, what effect do they have?  The wars, the societal changes, the catastrophic events, do they too define who we are? The beginnings and the ends, the tragedies and the triumphs. I think they do, I think every living moment of every day in our lives from birth to death makes us who we are and I believe we are always evolving moving forward then reverting back and moving forward again until at last we think, we hope….we have it right.

I think we should, each of us, be thankful for all those defining moments for without them life would be just an endless series of days with no rhyme or reason to them.  It’s those moments, those times which are forever sealed in our memories that temper our lives and make life……..a LIVING.

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