
Happy Birthday America

Posted in My Rant at 9:07 pm by Arlene LeVine


233 years old and still going strong!

The events of the past two weeks remind us just how precious life is.  On this forth of July celebration we have much to be grateful for; not just the tangible things but the intangible one too.  Those things that are felt in the heart: love, family, friends, and the fact that we live in this wonderful country.  Even though at times she may fall a little short of our expectations we are so lucky to be here.  Maybe our expectations are to high or unrealistic.  Maybe we have grown to demand to much from the land our forefathers fought so hard to win.  Perhaps we need to work a little harder, ask for a little less, see the glass as half full instead of half empty.

I think it is greed on every level that has gotten us into this mess and once we open our eyes to that fact maybe, just maybe we can begin to turn things around.  My parents generation has been called “The Greatest Generation” and I understand on a personal level just why.  I saw them pick themselves up from the boot straps and carry on  through the great depression and the second world war.  They had one suit or best dress for those special occasions.  Likewise dining out was a luxury to be savored and enjoyed for what it was.  They never thru anything out unless it was beyond repair. My parents and those of most of my friends could retire and lived comfortably without benefit of 401K’s because the house was paid for, the insurance was up to date and the money they had managed to save was enough to live on.  They managed with what they had and what they had went a lot further than today.  We seem to be a generation of  “I want” and “Throw it away” and we wonder how we got into this mess.

Well enough said on that subject after all it is the 4th of July and I for one am very proud of my country.  Grateful to God that I was born here.  Grateful to the men and women who fight and have fought to preserve the blessed land.  Grateful to our forefathers who believed in their hearts that there was a better way and acted on that belief.   GOD BLESS AMRICA!!

Sometimes people are put through tests.
Those tests make us stronger and prepare us
for the battles we have to fight.
There are all kinds of battles.

Everyone has a unique role in God’s plan.
One that no one else can play.
I am sure you will do what you are meant to do.

Have Faith.
No matter what lies ahead.
Hold onto your Faith.